Friday, April 11, 2014

Mary Allison- day 1 and 2

Hi friends! We wanted to show off our little Mary Allison. :) We plan on keeping her (mostly) off Facebook until she gets older so we will occasionally post photos here so that our far flung friends can keep in touch this way. I hope that I will write blog posts as well, but for now, the photos will have to speak for themselves. 

We were so lucky to have Esther Edith at the birth to photograph our girl's very first hours. We cannot wait to see the rest of her photos soon! (Obviously Esther took this top photo- not the rest of these not quite so professional pics.)

Despite her initial reaction, May has done quite well riding in her little car seat.  

I think that she might have my eyes, but she certainly has her dad's big ol' feet (and hands).

Thank you all for your sweet well wishes. We are certainly blessed.

-Brigid, Christopher and Mary Allison

1 comment:

  1. She is truly beautiful! Congratulations you guys! Happy happy happy for you.
