In some ways pregnancy is one of the most selfless things a woman can experience. For nine whole months-- that's 280 days-- women share their whole body. They give up comfort, sleep, food, privacy, and even the ability to zip up their pants. My little creature seems to be particularly comfy in my womb, stealing more and more space, and more and more time.
At the same time, pregnancy has been one of the most selfish times for me. Although my body is now housing another, I am the one who gets to have nine months alone with my girl. I am the one who is invited to her nightly dance parties. I am the one who shares the Eucharist with her each week at mass. I am the one who provides her protection, her warmth, her food and her bed.
But soon I will share my girl with the world. Soon, other people will hold my girl-- the girl I've been holding for 287 days and nights. Soon I will share the joy of feeling her kicks, of patting her tiny hiney and holding her tight.
I promise I will share her. I promise I won't be a helicopter mom. But as her big entrance draws near, please understand that I'm not used to sharing my daughter. I may fiercely hold on to her little swaddled self and not hand her over to expectant arms and cameras. Please let me be selfish for just a little while longer.
So little child of mine, you are welcome to stay wrapped up with me as long as your please. I'm happy to live life with you tucked away in my papoose. Thank you for keeping me company at work, for reminding me that Mexican food and Chick-Fil-A lemonade are as good as I thought, for staying up with me while I studied for my Boards and for being such a good tenant. I hear that there is an eviction notice quickly approaching so I guess we'll have to play by the rules, but you can take your time packing up.
I promise to show you the world.
Umm.. So I came to see pictures of your angel and just read this. I'm literally crying. I've never heard pregnancy talked about like that. So beautiful.