Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Months of May: August

It's 28 months of May! 

In the past few months Mary Allison moved into her first house and survived two weeks without a working refrigerator or air conditioner, foul sewage spewing all over the basement, and the incredibly dramatic bird excavation of 2016. With all major issues resolved (for now), she has reaped the benefits of home ownership, too-- plenty of space to run and play inside and out, kind neighbors with huge gardens and berries to share, hot summer days jumping through sprinklers and cool mornings of side-walk chalk. She splashed through the Chesapeake Bay on Memorial Day, wore her "favorite flamingo swimsuit" for a day at the beach, dyed her face blue with heaping spoonfuls of blueberry pie on July 4th, visited the ER for the first time after nearly knocking out her front teeth, and finally met her entire 80-person Gahan family at our reunion in the Smokey Mountains. She started falling asleep by herself in her own room and even slept through an entire night...once. (Huge eye roll.) She joins the rest of the girls on the planet with a fascination for Queen Elsa and the rest of the Frozen cast, loves Play-Doh, trains, and puzzles, and, of course, her baby dolls. She dances wildly, adamantly refuses to give up "mama milk," turns everything into a nursery rhyme, and screams out letters and numbers everywhere she goes. Every day she continues to grow more and more into a little Brigid. Lord, help us.

All our love,
b + c + m

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