My good habits of cataloguing my babies' happenings has made its way to the bottom of my to-do list because life with two kids (who don't sleep through the night... or even mostly through the night), a full time job with an annual evaluation fast approaching, a do-it-yourself kitchen remodel, and an unrelenting list of things to remember for preschool is N O J O K E. So, in short recap: trick-or-treating in rabbit bonnets, learning to sit, crawl, and stand, meeting his aunts and uncles all the way from Kentucky to Kathmandu, celebrating birthdays and Thanksgiving with the Hogues and Christmas with the Smalls, speed crawling to the Christmas tree to pull down the lights time and time again, and on pace to be eating a whole grilled cheese by nine months just like his dad. Our darling boy loathes the snow, has never seen a power cord he doesn't want to chew, can take his sister's heat, more or less is a little koala perched on my shoulder most hours of the day, and only knows how to smile if his whole mouth is open wide.