Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Months of May: April

It's 24 months of May! (Can I still give my daughter's age in months!?)

In the past three months Mary Allison trampled through a blizzard with snow drifts higher than her head, conquered the Philadelphia Zoo with baby doll in tow, started (a somewhat rigorous) gymnastics class, and has proven that it's time to pack up her cloth diapers. She's developed her own sense of style this month frequently demanding red polka dot socks with her white church shoes and always begs for the dinosaur pj's at night. She prefers to wear either several pairs of pants at the same time or goes completely commando-- there is no in between. Most days include hours of dada horse rides around the house, piles of library books, a watercolor painting, and meticulous care of her growing stash of baby dolls. 

It is mostly impossible to believe that our tiny black-haired newborn is already growing into this little girl. On her birthday two years ago my mom described her this way: "She is sweet. She is smart. She is strong." And although she has grown and changed so much in the past 24 months, she is still that.

All our love,

b + c + m

Friday, April 1, 2016

Easter 2016

We wish you all the joy and hope of this Easter season. Mary Allison woke up on Sunday to a house full of family, a basket full of eggs, and snow covering the entire Texas panhandle! Despite the Christmas scene, we donned our pastels to mass to celebrate the Resurrection with our St. Thomas community and join in the Alleluia anthem sung throughout history. We feasted with family and friends, danced to "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" too many times at the toddler's request, and enjoyed the beautiful springtime weather that decided to join us after lunch! Then we added a birthday party to our celebrations for our almost two-year-old complete with party hats and a four-layer cake. What better day to give thanks for Mary Allison's life than on the day we rejoice in our rebirth.

Jesus Christ is risen today! Alleluia! Alleluia!

She was super sad to stop building snowmen to take these pictures.

With my parents and two sets of aunts and uncles!

My mom and her oldest sister...
if only the other six Gahan kids came too!

Please note my kid's favorite things: her baby dolls and toothbrush.

All our love,

b + c + m