Saturday, November 15, 2014

The months of May: Seven

It's seven months of May!

We are a few days late on photos because this is how she felt about a photo shoot on November ninth. Baby colds stink.

This month Mary Allison gobbled down applesauce and avocados, cried when she tasted grapefruit, popped out one tiny tooth, learned why she shouldn't try to stand up in the bathtub, suffered through her first fever, started crawling into her dad's lap, popped bubbles in the bath and watched snowflakes fall from the sky.  

All our love,

b + c + ma

Saturday, November 1, 2014

apples and bananas

Mary Allison started eating a few foods. She loves bananas, avocados, turnips, apples and butternut squash. But, as you can see, carrots aren't her jam. I should also say that she does not discriminate against non-food items: plates, blocks, socks, baby-dolls, and faces are also fair game. Eating her mother's hair is her greatest joy. (re: Haircut scheduled for mom next week.)

-b + c + ma